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How Do You Write a Literary Criticism Essay: 10 Helpful Tips

In a literary criticism, the author will evaluate a literary work. The paper could address the entire piece or one component such as the setting or theme. Additionally, the paper could be a compare and contrast where the piece is compared to another piece. It could be his or her piece or from another write. If you are assigned this style of paper, use our 10 helpful tips.

10 Helpful Hits

  1. Read the piece-whatever pieces you are writing about, know that you have to read it. It is simply not good enough to read about it. It will be very hard to fake knowledge of the poem, short story, or novel you select.
  2. Explore the author’s life-a writer brings much of his or her life to the stories. Do yourself a favor and explore the life of the author. You will probably then be able to see pieces of the author in the stories.
  3. Use academic databases-use the best academic databases for your research. There will be much to choose from for the composition.
  4. See what other critics have to say-you must read what the critics are saying about the author and his or her work. You need to know what experts are saying. You will want to use their comments in your paper and then to cite them.
  5. Email experts on the subject-you can look around and see who the experts are on your author and his or her works. You can actually email other critics or professors for information on your subject.
  6. Pick your topic-make sure you pick a topic you like, you understand, and you will be able to find support for.
  7. Pick your main points-pick 3-5 main points for your thesis statement. You could explain how the theme is delivered through the setting, the characters, and the story symbols.
  8. Create your thesis statement-your main points will help you to then construct your thesis statement. It will be the map for your paper.
  9. Make an outline-now with the topic, thesis statement, and main points in hand; you can make your outline. The more detailed the outline is then the easier the paper will be to write.
  10. Seek help if you are struggling-if at any time during this process you find yourself struggling, you can visit your teacher, go to the writing lab, or seek professional help. This style of paper can be very difficult to research and to write.

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